Based on various horror and ghost tales set in universities, the film centers around some students who encounter paranormal events in their...
Haunted Universities
As sea pirates threaten to invade their kingdoms, three queens of Langkasuka must band together to defend their lands and peoples.
Legend of the Tsunami Warrior
The follow-up to the racy Brown Sugar anthology - this time three up-and-coming directors put their dark and surreal spin to the sensual collection...
Brown Sugar 2
When old friends from school start dying one by one, Sayree and Nataya begin to search for the secret of the letter that each of their friends...
The Letters of Death
A homage and parody of 1950s and 1960s Thai romantic melodramas and action films. Dum, the son of a peasant falls in love with Rumpoey, the daughter...
Tears of the Black Tiger