Luis Candelas, the mythical bandit, just and generous, comes to the aid of a nobleman who saved his life. Adventure film directed by José...
Luis Candelas' Odd Adventure
Film based on the historic facts of what happened in Madrid in 2 May 1808.
May the Second
Region of Castilla La Vieja, Spain, early 20th century. In Luján, a village ravaged by drought, Juan, a humble farmer who survives with his...
The Cursed Village
A savvy city girl is hired to sugar an earnest farm boy into a business deal, but loses her heart. Spanish language version of the 1930 Nancy Carroll...
La fiesta del diablo
Nick, the "swing" man in a trapeze troupe, loves Greta Nelson, the girl in the act; and Tony, the "flyer," incurs his enmity as Greta seems to favor...
Shadows of the Circus
The Crystal Virgin
El héroe de Cascorro