"Azura" tells the story of the eponymous heroine, teenage girl who lives with her aunt, Yusni, after being orphaned in the tragic Min and Mekah...
Azura 2012
Yusman who is confined to the house by his father, Dato’ Alwi meets marlia, their driver’s daughter. She tells him about life outside the...
Kekasih Awal Dan Akhir
Sang Kurnia was abandoned at birth, born destined to live a damned life
Tina and Anita are publishers of Femina. A monthly magazine featuring equality amongst the sexes. Tina defends her views while Anita is a crusader....
"Gila-Gila Pengantin Popular" tells the story of a young man named Zul who is engaged to Fatima. While they are planning their wedding, Fatima is...
Gila-gila Pengantin Popular