During home renovations, a young couple release a fiery spirit seeking retribution. To save themselves and set the spirit free, they must uncover the...
INNER DEMONS follows an 'Intervention'-style reality show crew that films an episode about a sixteen-year old girl, a former A-student, who is...
Inner Demons
An anthology of 26 fan entries submitted for inclusion in ABCs of Death 2, each offering various takes on the letter "M".
ABCs of Death 2 1/2
Two dirty cops find themselves relieved of over two million dollars in stolen drugs and money, forcing them into a bizarre and mysterious...
Chesterfield High School basketball practice has ended. One year later the town is still reeling from the massacre of a brutal mischief night murder,...
After saving 10-year-old Jack from an attempted kidnapping, Casey Wright (Sarah Roemer) is hired by Jack's famous father - "the" Sam Austin (Jon...
Famous and Fatal
Five women celebrate one of the girl's bachelorette party but one of them doesn't show up.
The Bachelorette Party
To save her parents' small-town nightclub, a Broadway dancer stages an all-male, Christmas-themed revue — and meets a guy with all the right...
The Merry Gentlemen
A contract killer, after being diagnosed with a fast-moving form of dementia, is presented with the opportunity to redeem himself by saving the life...
Knox Goes Away