When the jungle is threatened by a giant monster, a young Koati rises up to lead the animals in an epic fight to save their home. As the brave Koati...
Jungle Tales
León Gieco, a leading figure in Argentine popular music, turns 70.
León cumple
A group of musicians discovers in an old LP record a musical work from more than 40 years ago, which tells the story of a Riojan caudillo. They...
El latir de los llanos
Abel Pintos explores the legacy and great influence of Mercedes Sosa, the woman who revolutionized Argentine folklore. Thus, through interviews with...
Bios: Mercedes Sosa
Abel Pintos invites us to a night filled with his biggest hits, as well as many other songs he'll perform for the first time live, in a one-of-a-kind...
Abel Pintos | Amores y Rarezas
Es ahora: Luciano y Abel